What a great weekend! Things got off to a great start Friday night with the Gourment on Gore wine and food festival. With my friend Jaime at my side we ate and drank our way through Vail Village. Highlights: Pomegranate Martini from Sweet Basil, Buffalo Slider from Larkspur, Malbec from Los Vascos, and Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cupcakes from Batter. I love events like this because everything is in miniature so you can have a taste of everything without feeling like you need to be rolled down the street back to your car.
Saturday was another beautiful Colorado day with plenty of sun and mild temps. This time of year our high temp isn't much more than 75 degrees which is pretty close to perfect in my book. Tia and I had the fortune to be invited on a last minute camping trip with my friend Liz Lee and her pup Pippa (Tia's BFF). On the way home from the store to pick up some last minute supplies I stopped at Colorado Bike Service to check out their Labor Day sale. My affinity for biking has only strengthened over the summer. Between mountain bike camp, spin class at the gym, and fun cross country rides with friends I am hooked, and recently have been thinking about picking up a road bike (never thought I would say that!). To make a long story short, I am now the proud new parent/owner of a road bike courtesy of Colorado Bike Service who I would recommend to anyone looking for advice on bike. They are so knowledgeable and patients which was reasssuring for a novice bike owner like me.
Tia and I headed up to the campground in Leadville that evening for what was going to be a great night in the Great Outdoors. Why I don't go camping EVERY weekend, I don't know because every time I curl up next to a campfire or snuggle down into my sleeping bag I am always reminded of why I live in Colorado, and the mountains in particular. Thanks to Liz and company we dined on steak, mahi, apple/pear/peach pie, and s'mores (my contribution). Thanks again to Dave, Bob, Liz, Hillary, Nancy, Patty, and Rick for letting me join them!
The next morning we woke early to hike La Plata Peak,
another 14er on my list to climb. We were a little slow to get going and the fact that we drove right by the trailhead didn't help. In the meantime, weather started to move in and the temps dropped. In our haste to get out of camp, Nancy and Patty forgot to pack a pair of pants and were concerned that they would put themselves in a bad situation given the outlook. I completely understood, however my stubborn side shone through and I decided to continue on the hike alone (with Tia). Given the late start I knew it would be a push to the summit to make it up before getting caught in rain/snow/lightning above treeline.

By the skin of our teeth, Tia and I made it to the top, only to look around, and start our descent. I was so impressed with her ability to pick her route through the skree and talus. We no sooner got back to the car when the skies turned black and erupted in rain/hail. After a quick stop at my favorite gas/grocery/bait/ammo store in Leadville, a warm bath/shower, and a cold beer (me, not Tia) we were both ready for a long nap on the couch.
Monday I took the road bike for a test ride with my friend Christina. Our original plan was to go for a leisurely ride up to East Vail on the road so I could break in the new bike. Of course, between the two of us we pushed on to the top of the Vail hill climb course, two-thirds of the way up Vail Pass. Despite only two chain rings and a compact cassette I think I managed pretty well. The new road bike will be a great way to get in to shape quickly next spring!
1 comment:
Hey ... welcome to the road bike club!!! We should plan a little girls road bike trip. I am thinking Italy. See you soon.
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